In order to help you find what you want to know more efficiently, we’ve compiled the answers to questions that we are most frequently asked. Please review the list of questions below; if you do not find an answer to your question, or have specific comments or suggestions about the site, please feel free to contact us.
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Another excellent source of information is E-budo. If you’ve got a specific question, try asking it there. For more information about Koryu Books, our privacy policy, and ordering books from, see our general information page.
Traditional Arts
- What is koryu bujutsu?
- Can you recommend a qualified and authorized classical martial arts instructor in my area?
- I’d like to go to Japan to train in koryu. How can I do this?
- Can you provide me with the address and phone number of a contact in Thus-and-such-ryu in Japan?
- Are there any uchideshi programs in the classical martial arts?
- Have you ever considered producing a dojo directory of koryu in the West?
- What happened to your events listing?
- Is ninjutsu or ninpo taijutsu considered to be a koryu?
Koryu Books Publications
- How can I order your books?
- I’d like a catalog of all Koryu Books publications. Where can I find a list of your books?
- Is there a print version of
- I’m working on a book about Japanese martial arts. Is Koryu Books looking for manuscripts?
- How can I contact Aiki News/Aikido Journal?
- How can I contact the International Hoplology Society?
- I’d like to contact the headmaster of a classical ryu. Can you provide the address and/or phone number?
- I’ve got some questions that I’d like to ask. Do you sponsor a martial-arts related forum?
- I’m looking for quality videotapes of classical Japanese martial arts. Do you have any suggestions on where I might purchase such tapes?
- Where can I find books and videos about Daito-ryu aikijujutsu?
- I’m looking for a book that was recommended to me, but I’ve been told that it is out of print. Do you know where I might find this book?
- Do you sell videos of the demonstrations you’ve listed?