Meik Skoss began training in martial arts in 1966 in Los Angeles. In 1973 he went to Japan to continue his training in aikido. After moving to Tokyo in 1976, Skoss started studying Shinto Muso-ryu jo under Shimizu Takaji, Toda-ha Buko-ryu naginatajutsu with Muto Mitsu, and Tendo-ryu naginatajutsu under Sawada Hanae. It was also at this time that he began to work with Donn F. Draeger and accompanied the master hoplologist on several field trips to Southeast Asia. In 1979 he began his study of Yagyu Shinkage-ryu heiho/kenjutsu and Yagyu Seigo-ryu battojutsu under the 21st generation lineal headmaster, Yagyu Nobuharu Toshimichi. He has also practiced judo, t'ai chi ch'uan, Goju-ryu karatedo and is currently training in jukendo and atarashii naginata. An MS in Physical Education, Skoss holds the ranks of 5th dan Zen Nihon Kendo Renmei jodo, 5th dan jukendo, 4th dan aikido (Aikikai), 3rd dan tankendo, 2nd dan atarashii naginata, the okuden mokuroku and shihan licenses in Tenshin Buko-ryu, and menkyo in Shinto Muso-ryu jojutsu. Fluent in Japanese, and the owner of a substantial library of martial arts books in both English and Japanese, Skoss is one of several hoplologists continuing the work of Donn F. Draeger. He has traveled throughout Japan visiting various koryu and modern budo dojo and collecting information on the Japanese martial arts. Now resident in New Jersey, he and his wife run a dojo there; he also serves on the local volunteer Rescue Squad.